(Barmhjertighedens sæd.)
'Youth & Spiritual Connection', 15. april 2008.
Den afsluttende samling i "Seeds of Compassion" er arrangementet, "Youth and Spiritual Connection Dialogue". Globale, nationale og lokale notabiliteter fra trosretninger i hele verden vil samles for at diskutere, hvordan man opdrager ungdommen med spiritualitet.
Deltagerne inkluderer (på engelsk):
• His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a simple Buddhist monk.
• Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Episcopal Archbishop of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
• Dr. Ingrid Mattson, President of the Islamic Society of North America
• Rabbi David Rosen, Chairman of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations
• Roshi Joan Halifax, Zen Buddhist Master and abbess of Upaya Zen Center
• Rob Bell, Emergent Christian leader, writer, and pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan
• Sister Joan Chittister, Benedictine Catholic nun, writer and teacher
• Pravrajika Vrajaprana, Hindu philosopher, writer, and teacher
• Doug Pagitt, evangelical author, pastor of Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis, Emergent Christian leader
• Episcopal Bishop Steven Charleston, President and Dean of Episcopal Divinity School and a Professor of Theology
• Linda Kavelin-Popov, co-founder of the Virtues Project
• Reverend Samuel Berry McKinney, civil rights leader and pastor emeritus of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle
• Father William Treacy, Interfaith leader, founder of Camp Brotherhood
• Ahmed Tijani Ben Omar, Muslim scholar and spiritual leader
• Guru Singh, Sikh philosopher and spiritual leader
• Steven Shankman, the UNESCO Chair in Transcultural Studies, Interreligious Dialogue and Peace
• Youth representatives from across Washington State.
"The Youth and Spiritual Connection Dialogue" begynder med et panel, som fokuserer på nutidens børn. Hvordan bringer vi bevidsthed om spiritualitet og barmhjertighed til vore børn i de første år af livet nu i vor tids komplekse kultur med problemer så som medie-overbelastning, socialt pres, kort opmærksomheds-spændvidde, isolation og frygt?
Læs på engelsk her.